Disconnecting Auto Vents for Winter
Gardeners often choose to disconnect their greenhouse auto roof vents during colder months for several important reasons related to temperature control, energy efficiency, and plant protection. The other obvious reason to disconnect automatic roof vents is when expecting high winds and adverse weather conditions, such as storms.
Maintaining Heat for Winter Crops
In winter, consistent warmth inside the greenhouse is essential to protect plants from cold weather. Auto vents are designed to open when the interior temperature rises, but in colder months, any unnecessary venting can quickly lower the internal temperature, putting plants at risk. Disabling these vents helps retain heat, ensuring that delicate winter crops stay warm.
Energy Efficiency and Reduced Heating Costs
If you’re using a heater in your greenhouse, disconnecting the auto vents can reduce energy costs. By keeping vents closed, you’re helping maintain a stable temperature, allowing your heater to work more efficiently without sudden cold draughts. This not only conserves energy but also minimises heating expenses.
Protection Against Cold Draughts and Frost
Auto roof vents may still open on days when the sun warms the greenhouse, but winter conditions can bring sudden cold winds, draughts, or frost at night. If left connected, auto vents could open during a warm day and then fail to close fast enough as temperatures drop, exposing plants to potentially harmful cold air and frost.
Vent Maintenance
Disconnecting auto vents for winter gives gardeners an opportunity to inspect and clean the vent mechanisms, ensuring they’re in top condition for spring. Preparing your greenhouse for winter, including removing or securing vents, helps prepare it for adverse weather, like storms or heavy snow.
Promoting Better Humidity Control
Greenhouses naturally maintain higher humidity, and in winter, it’s often better to keep humidity levels up for overwintering plants. Venting in cold weather can decrease humidity, which can stress certain plants. Disabling vents can help maintain a balance that’s more supportive of the seasonal needs of your plants.
How to Disconnect Auto Roof Vents
The attached video shows how to disconnect automatic roof vent openers in anticipation of adverse weather conditions. There are two types of greenhouse owners with auto vents – those who disconnect during a storm and sleep soundly at night, and those who risk it and lay awake, checking every 5 minutes! We do not recommend risking it.